April 4, 2006

man that dude was nuts

Posted in Literature, Politics at 10:01 am by antonello

From New Yorker's Talk of the Town 3/27/06

Saddam’s former generals and civilian aides—such as his principal secretary, Lieutenant General Abed Hamid Mahmoud, and the former Iraqi foreign minister, Tariq Aziz—describe their old boss as a Lear-like figure, a confused despot in the enervating twilight of a ruthless career: unable to think straight, dependent upon his two lunatic and incompetent sons, and increasingly reliant on bluff and bluster to remain in power. Saddam lay awake at night worrying about knotty problems, and later issued memos based on the dreams he had when he drifted into sleep. As the invasion approached, he so feared a coup that he refused to allow his generals to prepare seriously for war. Instead, he endorsed a plan for the defense of Baghdad that essentially instructed his generals to talk with no one, think rousing thoughts, and await further orders.

Saddam's descent into madness, not even madness because he was already bat-shit nuts, maybe into dementia is better has the makings of helluva disturbing history play.  Willie S, you on this? 

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